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© Ute Reckhorn

© Ute Reckhorn

Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week | Denise Burns

  • 3 min read

Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week

Interview with Denise Burns

Each week we feature a Lensbaby Unplugged Member and learn more about their photography history. Read more to learn about Denise's photography experience!
Denise BurnswithLensbaby

Q: What is your favorite shoot you've ever done?

A: I enjoy taking candid shots of family and spending time in local gardens. And I love taking Lensbabies along on vacations, especially to Disney World! One of my favorites things to do is choose one lens for the day and challenge myself to use it creatively.


Q: What inspires you to reach for your camera? How often do you reach for your camera?

A: Life can get busy but I try to shoot when my downtime schedule allows. I like to reach for my camera when I feel the need to live in the present moment.

Q: What are your favorite Lensbaby Lenses to use in your session?

A: My favorite is the Velvet 56, it was my first Lensbaby and I don't think I took it off my camera for an entire year after buying it. I love the vintage look it can give to photos and it is very versatile. I can use it for anything from extreme closeups to landscapes.

Denise Burnswith Lensbaby

Q: How did you hear about Lensbaby, and what encouraged you to purchase a LB lens?

A: I participated in a workshop that introduced me to Lensbabies. A photographer friend took us to a local spot and let us experiment.


Q:What was your journey to becoming a photographer like?

A: It's been a slow and steady journey. I have always enjoyed taking vacation and family photos but never felt very creative. That changed when I found Lensbaby and realized how fun manipulating focus and light in camera can be.


Q: What is your favorite subject to photograph and how would you describe your photography style?

A: I like finding flowers with quirky petals and plants with personality. I'm not sure how I would describe my style but have been told by others I have a good eye for noticing small details and angles.

Denise Burnswith Lensbaby

Q: What do you love the most about photography?

A: I love that it forces me to slow down and savor the moment. There is beauty in everything around us if we stop to notice and we each view it in a different way.


Q: What helps you when you're struggling with a creative block?

A: Reaching out to photography friends to schedule day trips, signing up for classes, and often times just getting outside in my yard with the camera.


Denise Burnswith Lensbaby

Q: Would you consider yourself an adventurous photographer, or do you tend to stay in your comfort zone?

A: I think I'm a little adventurous. I like to try new things and shoot in ways that others may find unconventional.


Q: What else would you like to see from Lensbaby in the future?

A: That's a tough question, maybe some online workshops. And I know you are located in the Pacific Northwest but we would love to have ya'll visit us down South anytime.


Denise Burnswith Lensbaby

Denise Burns

I'm a laboratory scientist by trade and photography is my therapy. I've been playing with cameras for a few decades. I'm constantly amazed by the details of life around me whether tiny or large and look for interesting scenes to shoot wherever life takes me.

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