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© Ute Reckhorn

© Ute Reckhorn

Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week | Kristi Wood

  • 4 min read

Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week

Interview with Kristi Wood

Each week we feature a Lensbaby Unplugged Member and learn more about their photography history. Read more to learn about Kristi's photography experience!
Kristi WoodwithLensbaby

Q: What is your favorite shoot you've ever done?

A: I always enjoy macro nature photography. I appreciate the slow pace and attention to detail required. I also love documentary shoots where my entire goal is to take candid photos while fully immersing myself into the experience. Whether it be a community event, a big family vacation or a simple trip to the county fair with my kids, the candid nature of those sessions always ignites my creative juices. My absolute favorite shoot was a trip I took to Belize this summer. I photographed for an organization as they worked with local families and learned so much. That shoot was the ultimate test of my ability to be simultaneously present on both sides of the lens. I'll never forget it!


Q: What inspires you to reach for your camera? How often do you reach for your camera?

A: I was first inspired to reach for my camera after my oldest daughter was born in 2007. I was just so enamored by this beautiful little person who was brand-new to the world, so I documented her first year and I guess I just never put the camera down! I ran a small-town portraiture business for a few years, but eventually realized my heart was not in it- I wanted to shoot more personally and artistically. Now I pick up my camera three to four times per week, at least. Sometimes it's my kids' sports... sometimes it's a flower in the garden... I do some client work from time to time, but I'm mostly a hobbyist at this point. I always say, "Photography keeps me sane!" Creativity helps me process life and organize my thoughts.

Q: What are your favorite Lensbaby Lenses to use in your session?

A: I am absolutely in love with my SOL 45! The clarity in its sweet spot, the bokeh in its blur, the way it captures a sun flare... I love how versatile it is. I can easily throw on some macro filters and take photos of stunning, little flowers, or I can use it in creative portraits. The Sol 45 adds a dimension of depth and movement to my images that I just love!

Kristi Woodwith Lensbaby

Q: How did you hear about Lensbaby, and what encouraged you to purchase a LB lens?

A: I first heard about Lensbaby while watching a YouTube video several years ago. I started with the Spark and eventually purchased the Sol45 after seeing some beautiful documentary images by some Lensbaby Ambassadors on Instagram. I originally bought it thinking it would be a fun "toy" - something to play with if I were in a creative rut- but now it rarely leaves my camera!


Q:What was your journey to becoming a photographer like?

A: I have always been drawn to photography. As a teenager, I remember going to camp with a disposable camera. After camp, while the other girls were showing snapshots they had taken of their friends, I found that all of my photos were of nature, buildings, light and dark spaces, interesting compositions and such. When I became a mother, I found my memory so fleeting with all of the sleepless nights. Photography was a way to stay creative and refresh my memory. It was a way to connect with my family. Over the years I have studied, practiced and asked so many questions. I've experimented, taken classes and watched hours upon hours of tutorials from photographers I respect. I still have so much to learn, but I believe I've finally found my voice in artistic, documentary photography. I am happy with my images now because I see myself in them. They truly are a reflection of how I view and understand the world. I hope that one day my children and grandchildren can look back and see me in those photos- not necessarily my face, but my heart.


Q: What is your favorite subject to photograph and how would you describe your photography style?

A: My favorite subject is whatever I'm paying attention to in the moment. That usually means my family or nature. I try to capture my subjects in an artistic, documentary style to show both the story and my heart's translation of that moment in time.

Kristi Woodwith Lensbaby

Q: What do you love the most about photography?

A: Photography is a sea of creative opportunity. The extent to which you experience it depends solely upon the risks you're willing to take in the moment and the dedication you're willing to give in the long run.


Q: What helps you when you're struggling with a creative block?

A: When I'm in a creative block, I put the camera down. I open my eyes and engage my life, taking care of the "must do's" and enjoying those around me.

Kristi Woodwith Lensbaby

Q: Would you consider yourself an adventurous photographer, or do you tend to stay in your comfort zone?

A: I am always learning new things. I love to experiment with photography. Getting out of our comfort zones is often how we find the things we love the most!


Q: What else would you like to see from Lensbaby in the future?

A: I honestly don't know! I think Lensbaby is making a lot of great strides right now and without having tried every one of your lenses (yet!), I don't think I can speak to this one at this point in my journey.

Kristi Woodwith Lensbaby

Kristi Wood

I live in Oklahoma with my husband and five children, and in my spare time, I teach art to elementary students and drink entirely too much coffee! Over the last few years, I've found my photographic voice in artistic storytelling. I'm captivated by light and texture, so they are both very important in my images.

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