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© Ute Reckhorn

© Ute Reckhorn

Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week | Anne Cognato

  • 3 min read

Lensbaby Unplugged Member of the Week

Interview with Anne Cognato

Each week we feature a Lensbaby Unplugged Member and learn more about their photography history. Read more to learn about Anne's photography experience!
Anne CognatowithLensbaby

Q: What is your favorite shoot you've ever done?

A: I went to a local garden that is absolutely gorgeous and I shot so many pictures. Getting the courage up to do portraits and shooting my friends on our beach weekends. That was a lot of fun. It helped to boost my confidence.


Q: What inspires you to reach for your camera? How often do you reach for your camera?

A: I try to shoot several times a week, more in the nicer weather. Everything inspires me. Sometimes I just want to go to a new place and explore, sometimes I want to go to a familiar place to see what I have missed, and sometimes I want to try a new technique.

Q: What are your favorite Lensbaby Lenses to use in your session?

A: Right now it is the Composer Pro with sweet spot 80. I like it because sometimes you are shooting and when you get home, something different appears. There is a controlled randomness to it.

Anne Cognatowith Lensbaby

Q: How did you hear about Lensbaby, and what encouraged you to purchase a LB lens?

A: People kept talking about the lens on a group I belong to (sheclicks on Facebook). I did my research and decided to give it a try.


Q:What was your journey to becoming a photographer like?

A: I was very unsure of myself in the beginning, a lack of confidence. But the more I shot, and the more I learned, the confidence slowly came. As any artist, you are putting yourself out there for all the world to see, and it can be nerve wracking. I still get nervous, but I am more confident in my work.


Q: What is your favorite subject to photograph and how would you describe your photography style?

A: Flowers and plants. The don’t make faces at you and there is so much to see in them. Leaf shape and color, flowers in a gentle breeze, raindrops on petals. I like macro, sometimes getting in very close, sometimes a little further away.

Anne Cognatowith Lensbaby

Q: What do you love the most about photography?

A: Freedom. When I am with my camera, my brain is focused on just that. Everything else melts away. There is freedom in that.


Q: What helps you when you're struggling with a creative block?

A: Just keep doing it. Even if it is not working. Eventually something will come. Or I might try something unconventional for me , maybe self portraits just to do something different.

Anne Cognatowith Lensbaby

Q: Would you consider yourself an adventurous photographer, or do you tend to stay in your comfort zone?

A: I think I am adventurous. I am willing to try different things.


Q: What else would you like to see from Lensbaby in the future?

A: I don’t know.

Anne Cognatowith Lensbaby

Anne Cognato

I received a camera for my 50 birthday and I have fully immersed myself in the art. One of my favorite subjects is flowers and my preference is to shot outdoors rather than indoors (mostly because I spend my working like indoors- it has nothing to do with light!)
Instagram - @annecognato

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